How to find and prioritise your Riskiest AssumptionsIf you’re working on an Alpha, you should be focussed on testing your most risky assumptions. You don’t need to spend a specific amount of…Dec 1, 2020Dec 1, 2020
Mapping Cynefin to the GDS agile delivery phasesWhat kind of situation is this?May 31, 2019May 31, 2019
What Free Solo teaches us about agileIf you’ve not seen the Oscar-winning documentary Free Solo yet, go see it right now. (At the time of writing, it’s probably doing its last…Mar 12, 2019Mar 12, 2019
The problem with the service lifecycleOne of the things that GDS is most well known for is the coining of the Agile delivery phases.Feb 1, 20195Feb 1, 20195
Published inThe Service GazetteStandardising, not centralisingService design patterns for local government in the UKJul 28, 20181Jul 28, 20181
3 questions everybody should know the answer toWhatever you’re working on, it probably needs to be delivered quickly.Jun 26, 20183Jun 26, 20183
Published inPublic Service LabStandardisieren statt ZentralisierenService-Designmuster für Gemeinden im Vereinigten KönigreichDec 12, 2017Dec 12, 2017
Theory: News feeds aren’t addictive because of the content we get, but because of the potential for…Oct 19, 2015Oct 19, 2015
I wonder how much “Tech for Good” has been harmed by homonym words like “development” and “social”.Mar 3, 2015Mar 3, 2015